Property management

Acting as your trustee in the management, service and technical support of the property, we take care of all operational processes in order to ensure the smooth operation of your rental business.

Price: 1 monthly rent

Operating business is our daily job and we do it well

Invest comfortably with Horizon Real Estate Investments s.r.o.

Additional services


Invoicing, payment control, VAT report, annual income statement, real estate tax, preparation of mortgage documents, tax optimization. Everything you need for the legitimate, successful operation of your company, which is registered commercial real estate.

Interior designer

Let us turn your property into a unique piece of design art. Property in designer renovation significantly raises the rental value and the market value of your profitable property.

Repair of interiors and exteriors

A professional team will make repairs of any complexity according to your tasks and ideas. Tilers, electricians, plumbers, facade workers - all professionals in their field.

Additional services


Invoicing, payment control, VAT report, annual income statement, real estate tax, preparation of mortgage documents, tax optimization. Everything you need for the legitimate, successful operation of your company, which is registered commercial real estate.

Interior designer

Let us turn your property into a unique piece of design art. Property in designer renovation significantly raises the rental value and the market value of your profitable property.

Repair of interiors and exteriors

A professional team will make repairs of any complexity according to your tasks and ideas. Tilers, electricians, plumbers, facade workers - all professionals in their field.

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