Development of an individual investment plan

We will develop an investment strategy for the purchase of profitable real estate for you
in Slovakia, taking into account all the features and purposes.

Service cost: 300 EUR

Where should I start?

In Slovakia, there are many opportunities and tools to increase profitability in the real estate market, which a foreign investor does not even know about or access to such information is very limited.

When we start working with a client, first of all we find out the needs of the client and his investment goals. Based on this information, we form an individual investment strategy for him. We list several such strategies.

Buy - Rent - Earn income

We take care of your turnkey investment support: selection of objects for investment, organization of purchase and subsequent leasing, as well as all bureaucratic procedures and organizational issues related to the purchase and operational management of real estate.

Buy - Repair - Sell

We will find for you a property in basic condition, but with great potential; we will repair, furnish and sell like hot cakes, with a decent profit.

Buy land - Build houses - Sell

We will select a good site for purchase, develop a project, control the construction, sell ready-made houses.

Buy one - Get two

We will develop and implement a whole program, according to which we will buy one property for a legal entity, rent it out, in a year we will take a mortgage and without our own funds we will buy a second property at 1.09% per annum, we will also rent it out. The client will have two properties for the price of one, rent them out, and can exit at any time, taking profits on the growth of the market.

Invest a part - Wait - Come out with a profit

We will find for you an excellent project from the developer, we will help you to buy real estate at the construction stage, paying only 20%. In 1.5-2 years before commissioning, we will sell the object with a profit of up to 150% on equity.

What should I choose?

These are far from all the strategies that we develop for clients. It all depends on his investment plan. If the priority is the safety of capital and a stable monthly income, we will select the best option in terms of renting. If the task is to quickly turn the capital and earn the maximum – we will develop a program and offer options to achieve this goal.

Financial planning with a horizon of 10 years

A large planning horizon is one of the main advantages of an investor. It allows you to clearly define the objectives and goals of acquiring real estate, to be sure of the correct development of the investment. Only a highly qualified specialist can draw up a financial calculation of an object for a period of 10 years, taking into account profitability, all possible prospects and risks. A minimum 10-year planning period is one of the basic standards of our cooperation.

Determination of profitability based on investment goals

The success of an investment depends on many components, including tax optimization, obtaining favorable credit conditions, and maximizing the use of hidden potential. We evaluate the entire scope of the facility’s capabilities, including the use of additional space for the development of an investment asset.

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